
The Analytics Statistics Collection Screen is used to create Custom Collection Profiles that specify specific devices and variables (e.g., CPU usage, port utilization) that you want to monitor. The List of Collection Profiles displays all configured Custom Collection Profiles (as well as the Default Profile) and is used to create, edit, and delete profiles. It is also used to schedule profiles and start and stop profiles. Click here for an overview of the Statistics application, including setup and basic workflow.

Important Note: The IP source address of the SNMP Service on a device must be the same as the IP address discovered for the device by OmniVista. Statistics cannot collect data if the IP source of the SNMP Service on the device is different than the discovered IP address for the device.

Statistics can be generated for the following statistics attributes:

Note: Not all attributes are supported on all device types. When you generate statistics for a device, OmniVista automatically detects which attributes are supported for a device.

Using the Statistics Feature

OmniVista generates statistics data for all switches on which Statistics is enabled. Statistics can be enabled on individual switches on the Managed Devices Screen; and statistics can be enabled on a specific switch(es) by creating a Custom Collection Profile. A Collection Profile specifies the switches and attributes (e.g., CPU usage, port utilization) that you want to monitor, as well as the polling intervals and statistics data retention requirements. Profiles are created on the Collection Screen and data is displayed (for any switch on which Statistics is enabled) on the Chart Views Screen.

Creating a Collection Profile

To start collecting data, create a Collection Profile containing the devices and variables that you want to monitor. Click on the Add icon at the top of the screen to open the Create Collection Profile Screen, complete the screens fields described below.

After completing the fields above, click on the Create button. The profile will then appear in the List of Collection Profiles. You can go to the Chart Views Screen to view statistics in graphical or table format.

Editing a Statistics Profile

Click on a profile in the List of Collection Profiles and click on the Edit icon. The Edit Collection Profile Screen will appear. Edit any parameters as described above and click on the Apply button. You cannot edit the profile name.

Deleting a Statistics Profile

Click on a profile(s) in the List of Collection Profiles and click on the Delete icon. Click on OK at the Confirmation Prompt. Note that deleting a profile also deletes all statistical data associated with the profile.

Scheduling a Profile

You can schedule a profile to start at a specific time in the future, run for a specific period of time, or run at regular intervals. If you schedule a profile to start at a specific time (set the Start Time only), the profile will start at that time and continue running. If you set a profile to run for a specific time period (set Start Time and End Time), the profile will only run during the specified time period and then stop.

If you schedule a profile to run at regular intervals, the profile will run and collect data for the profile's configured Data Retention Period, stop, and then restart at the scheduled interval. For example, if you schedule a profile with a 30-day Data Retention Period to begin running on the current date and set the Interval for 60 days, the profile will run for 30 days, and then stop. The profile will then automatically re-start after 60 days and run again for 30 days.

To schedule a profile, you must first stop the profile by selecting the profile in the List of Collection Profiles and clicking on the Stop icon, then click on OK on the Results screen. Once the profile has stopped, select it and click on the Schedule button. The Schedule window will appear. Configure the fields as described below to configure the profile schedule and click on OK. After creating the schedule, you must restart the profile.

Note: You can view details of any scheduled Statistics Profile job in the User Defined Jobs tab of the Scheduler Jobs Table (Administrator - Control Panel - Scheduler Jobs).

Starting/Stopping a Profile

A profile starts collecting data as soon as it is created. You can stop a profile by selecting the profile(s) in the Profile Statistics List and clicking on the Stop icon at the top of the list. Click OK on the Results Screen. The profile will stop collecting data. You will not lose previously-collected data. The data will be stored on the OmniVista Server based on its Data Retention Period.

To restart a profile that has been stopped, select the profile(s) and click on the Start icon at the top of the list. Click OK on the Results Screen. The profile will begin collecting data and the data will be stored on the OmniVista Server. However, there will be a gap for the period during which the profile was stopped.

List of Collection Profiles