The AP Registration External Captive Portal Config File Screen displays information and is used to create, edit, delete, and download an custom External Captive Portal Configuration File. The file is used to establish a secure connection between OmniVista and an external captive portal server.
Click on the Add icon and complete the fields as described below. When you are finished, click on the Create button.
Select a file in the External Captive Portal Config File List and click on the Sync to All APs button to push the file to all Stellar APs. You can specify the file for APs (by AP Group) on the AP Group Screen by editing an AP Group to use the custom file (Certificate configuration).
Select a configuration file in the External Captive Portal Config File List and click on the Edit icon. You can only edit the password. When you are finished, click on the Apply button.
Select a configuration file in the External Captive Portal Config File List and click on the Delete icon. Click OK at the Confirmation Prompt.
Select a file in the External Captive Portal Config File and click on the Download button at the top of the screen to download the file to your PC.