Company Property

The Authentication Company Property Screen displays information on devices owned by a company that can be assigned to an employee for daily use (e.g., printers, IP phones, laptops, tablets), and is used to create, edit, and delete property information. If a device is configured as a Device Specific PSK device, you can also print out a PSK Passphrase or QR Code for a user to enable them to log into the network.

Creating a Company Property List Entry

Click on the Add icon to bring up the Create Company Property Screen. Complete the fields as described below, then click on the Create button to add a device. Note that you can also add multiple devices at once by importing the information in an Excel or CSV file.

Note: You can automatically import a xls/csv/xlsx file containing Company Property information by clicking on the Import button at the top of the screen. You can also download a template by clicking on the Import button then clicking on the Template Download button.

Importing Multiple Devices

You can add multiple devices at once to the Company Property list by importing the devices in an Excel or CSV File. Click on the Import button at the top of the screen. The Import File Window will appear. Click on the Browse button to locate the Excel or CSV File, then click on Import. The devices in the file will be populated in the Company Properties List.

You can download an Excel or CSV Template that you can use to create an import file. Click on the Import button at the top of the screen. The Import File Window will appear. Click on the Template button to download a Zip File containing an Excel Template File and a CSV Template File. Use the template file to create a list of devices that you can import into the Company Property List.

Editing a Company Property Entry

Select an employee account in the Company Property List and click on the Edit icon. Edit the field(s) as described above, and click on the Apply button. Note that you cannot edit a Device MAC address.

Deleting a Company Property Entry

Select an employee account in the Company Property List and click on the Delete icon. Click OK at the Confirmation Prompt.

Printing a PSK Passphrase or QR Code

If a device in the Company Property List has Device Specific PSK enabled, you can print the PSK Passphrase or a QR Code version of the Passphrase to give to a user to enable them to log into the network. Select a device(s) in the Company Property List and click on one of the buttons at the top of the screen:

Company Property List

The Company Property List displays information about company property that can be assigned to employees. The Online Devices List displays information about devices associated with an Employee account that have been authenticated and accessed the network.

Company Property

The Company Property List displays information about company property that can be assigned to employees.

Online Devices

The Online Devices List displays information about devices assiciated with an Employee account that have accessed the network. You can also select a device(s) in the list and click on the Kick Off button to immediately log the user out of the network. The user will have to log in again to connect to the network again.