Employee Account
The Authentication Employee Account Screen is used to create login accounts for employee users in the UPAM Database. The Employee Account Screen displays all configured employee accounts and is used to create, edit, and delete employee accounts.
Creating an Employee Account
Click on the Add icon to bring up the Create Employee Account Screen. Complete the fields as described below, then click on the Create button.
- Username - User name for the employee account.
- Password - Password for the employee account.
- Repeat Password – Re-enter to confirm the employee password.
- Telephone - Optional telephone number of the employee.
- Email - Optional Email address of the employee.
- Access Role Profile - Access Role Profile that is bound to the employee account. It is prior to the Access Role Profile configured in Authentication Strategy.
- Policy List – Policy List that is bound to the employee account. It is prior to the Policy List configured in an Authentication Strategy.
- Other Attributes - Select an attribute from the drop-down, enter a value and click on the Add icon to add the attribute. Repeat the process to add additional attributes.
- Session Timeout - The Session Timeout Interval is the maximum number of consecutive seconds of connection allowed to the user before termination of the session or prompt. If not configured, the device’s default session timeout policy will take effect. (Range = 12000 - 86400, Default =43200)
- Accounting Interim Interval - Interval for RADIUS accounting, in seconds. If not configured, the device’s default accounting policy will take effect. (Range = 60 - 1200, Default = 600)
- WISPr Bandwidth Max Up - The user upstream bandwidth, in kbit/s. By default, it is not limited.
- WISPr Bandwidth Max Down - The user downstream bandwidth, in kbit/s. By default, it is not limited.
- Full Name - Full name of the employee.
- Department - Department of the employee.
- Position - Employee position in the company.
- Description - Description of the employee account.
Note: You can automatically import a xls/csv/xlsx file containing Employee Account information by clicking on the Import button at the top of the screen. You can also download a template by clicking on the Import button then clicking on the Template Download button.
Editing an Employee Account
Select an employee in the Employee Account List and click on the Edit icon. Edit the field(s) as described above, and click on the Apply button. Note that you cannot edit a Username.
Deleting an Employee Account
Select an employee in the Employee Account List and click on the Delete icon. Click OK at the Confirmation Prompt.
Employee Account List
The Employee Account List displays information about all configured Employee accounts.
- Username - User name for the employee account.
- Telephone - Optional telephone number of the employee.
- Email - Optional Email address of the employee.
- Effective Date - The date and time the account was created.
- Full Name - Full name of the employee.
- Department - Department of the employee.
- Position - Employee position in the company.
- Description - Description of the employee account.
- Access Role Profile - Access Role Profile that is bound to the employee account. It is prior to the Access Role Profile configured in Authentication Strategy.
- Policy List - Policy List that is bound to the employee account. It is prior to the Policy List configured in an Authentication Strategy.
- Status - The administrative status of the account (Enable/Disable).