Report List

The Report List Screen displays all generated reports. Reports are displayed with the report creator's user name, report title, the date the report was created, and the version number of the generated report if applicable. For example, if a report was created by the "admin" user titled Daily Users Report", on August 8, 2019, the report file name would be "admin_ Daily Users_Report_20190808.pdf". Subsequent scheduled or manually-generated reports would have a version number added to the end of the filename (e.g., admin_ Daily Users_Report_20190808_1.pdf, admin_ Daily Users_Report_20190808_2.pdf).

To download/view a report in PDF format, select the report and click on the Download button. You can open the report for viewing or save the report. To delete a report(s), select the report(s) and click on the Delete icon, then click OK at the confirmation prompt. Note that you can only delete finished reports. You cannot delete a report in the "Generating" state.

Note: It is recommended that you delete older reports that are no longer needed.