Policies by Switch
The PolicyView Policies by Switch Screen enables you to view Policies configured on specific devices. To view Policies for specific devices, click on the Select Device button to bring up the Selection Wizard. Select the device(s) you want to display, then click OK. Device information and Policy Status for each device is displayed. Select a device to display Policy and Policy List information for the device.
Device Information
The following information is displayed for each selected device:
- Name - The user-configured name for the device.
- Address - The IP Address of the device.
- DNS Name - The DNS name of the device, if applicable.
- Device Type - The device model (e.g., OS6850-48, OS6900-X20).
- Version - The AOS software version running on the device (e.g.,. 732.344.R01).
- Policy Status - Indicates whether or not the switch has re-cached its Policy information to contain the Policy. After a Policy is created and saved on the LDAP Server, the user assigns the Policy to the switch. This causes the switch to flush its Policy Tables and reload the latest Policies from the LDAP Server.
Policy Information
The following Policy information is displayed when you click on a device (click on a Policy to display detailed information about the Policy):
- Name - The name of the Policy.
- Scope - The scope of the Policy (e.g., IP Filtering, Provisioned).
- Status - Indicates whether or not the Policy has been saved to the LDAP Server (Saved/Unsaved).
- Precedence - The Precedence value of the Policy (0 - 65535).
- Enabled - Indicates whether or not the Policy is enabled (Yes/No).
- Save - Indicates whether or not the rule will be recorded during a snapshot command (Yes/No).
- Log Matches - Indicates whether or not matches to this rule are logged in the QoS Log (Yes/No).
- Reflexive - Indicates whether or not the Policy is reflexive. Reflexive Policy Rules allow specific return connections that would normally be denied (Yes/No).
- Default List - Indicates whether or not the Policy is saved to the Default List. A Default Policy List always exists in the switch configuration. By default, a Policy Rule is added to this list when the rule is created. A rule remains a member of the Default List even when it is subsequently assigned to additional lists (Yes/No).
- SLA Policy Trap - Indicates whether or not an SLA Policy Trap is configured for the policy.
Detailed Policy Information
The following information is displayed when you click on a Policy:
- Policy Rule - The name of the Policy Rule configured for the Policy.
- Policy Condition - The Policy condition information (e.g., IP Policy condition would display the Source/Destination/Multicast IP address of the condition).
- Policy Action - The Policy action to take if the traffic matches the Policy condition (e.g., QoS Accept/Drop)
- Policy Validity Period - The configured validity period for the Policy.
- Policy Roles - The switches to which the Policy has been assigned.
Policy List Information
The following Policy List information is displayed when you click on a device:
- Name - The Policy List name.
- Policies - The Policy Rules configured for the Policy.