The PolicyView Resource Screen displays information for all configured Resources, and is used to create, edit, or delete a Resource. A Resource is created by specifying a name, Destination IP/Subnet, and/or a Service Group for the Resource.
Click on the Create icon. Enter a Name for the Resource then. Select the Destination IP Address checkbox and enter a Destination IP and Destination Subnet, and/or select the Destination Service Group checkbox and select an existing Service Group from the drop-down menu. (You can also click the Add icon to go to the Groups application and create a new Service Group for the Resource). Click OK to save the Resource configuration.
Once the Resource is defined and saved, the corresponding LDAP Policy Rules, with a default initial precedence value of “50000” (which can be modified), an action of “Accept” and validity period of “AllTheTime”, is created and saved to the LDAP Server.
To edit parameters for an existing Resource, select the Resource in the Resource List and click on the Edit icon. Edit the Destination IP Address and/or Destination Service Group parameter(s), then click OK. You cannot edit the Resource Name, you can only delete the Resource and create a new one.
To delete a Resource, select the Resource(s) in the Resource List and click on the Delete icon, then click OK at the confirmation prompt.