Trap Responder

The Notifications Trap Responder Screen displays all configured trap responders, and is used to create, edit, or delete Trap Responders. A Trap Responder enables you to specify a response (if any) that you want OmniVista to take when specified traps are received by OmniVista. You can specify the traps to which OmniVista will respond by IP address range, trap type, and severity level. OmniVista can make the following responses to receipt of a specified trap:

Creating a Trap Responder

Click on the Create icon to open the Trap Responder Wizard. Complete the configuration as described below to configure the Agent, Trap Type, and Response. Only traps originating from the specified Agent and Trap Type will trigger the configured response. After completing all of the screens in the Wizard, click on the Create button.


The Agent is the IP address range or AP Group of the Responder. The Responder will only respond to traps received from this IP address range or AP Group(s).

Note: If you have two devices with the same IP address in the configured IP range, you can use a filter (e.g., Agent Name) when configuring the responder to differentiate between the devices.

When you are finished, click the Next button to go the Trap Type window.

Trap Type

The Trap Type fields enable you to specify the traps to which OmniVista will respond by severity level; or, you can specify the traps to which OmniVista will respond using filters. Note that you can specify traps by severity level or filters, but you cannot specify traps using both severity levels and filters. (In other words, you cannot "AND" specified severity levels and specified filters to create an expression.) If you create a trap responder that specifies both severity level and filters, the trap responder will respond to all traps with the specified severity (even if they do not match the filter), and all traps that match the specified filters (even if they do not have the specified severity).

Severity Level

To select a severity level(s), move the corresponding slider to "Respond". OmniVista will send a response for any trap matching the selected severity level(s).


To use a filter, select "Any selected filter" (default) from the Must Match drop-down menu, then click on the Filter button to bring up the Filter Selection window and select a filter(s). OmniVista will send a response for any trap that matches any selected filter. If you select "All selected filters" from the Must Match drop-down menu, OmniVista will send a response for any trap that matches all of the selected filters.

To create a new filter, click on the Filter button to bring up the Filter Selection window, then click on the Add icon. Enter a Filter Name and optional Filter Description, then click on the "Add new condition" link to add a filter condition. Click on the "Add new condition" link to add additional conditions, if necessary. When you are finished, click on the Add button to add the new filter, then click on the Apply button. The following conditions can be configured for filters:

When you are finished configuring the Trap Type, click the Next button to go the Response window.


Complete the fields as described below to configure the Response action to any traps matching the configured criteria.

When you are finished, click the Next button to go the Summary window.

Trap Variables

You can use the following variables when you configure an automatic trap responder. There are two types of variables: generic variables (which currently apply only to traps) and trap-specific variables.

Generic Variables

For traps, this variable is equivalent to the following combination of text and trap-specific variables (trap-specific variables are described in the following section):

Trap Received: $TrapName$
Severity: $TrapSeverity$
Synopsis: $TrapSynopsis$
Agent: $TrapAgent$
Variables: $TrapVariables$

Output Example:
Trap Received: portPartitioned
Severity: Minor
Synopsis: Port jabber on slot 7 frtrunking port 1 instance 156 (port state alternated between enabled and disabled more than 50 times in 200 ms)

For traps, this variable is equivalent to the trap-specific variable $TrapSynopsis$, which is a brief description of the trap.

Output Example: Port jabber on slot 7 frtrunking port 1 instance 156 (port state alternated between enabled and disabled more than 50 times in 200 ms)

Trap Specific Variables

The name of the trap (as defined in the MIB)

Output Example: portPartitioned

A brief description of the trap.

Output Example: Port jabber on slot 7 frtrunking port 1 instance 156 (port state alternated between enabled and disabled more than 50 times in 200 ms)

A detailed description of the trap (as it appears in the MIB)

Output Example: A portPartitioned trap occurs when the physical port has transitioned through enable/disable states faster than 10 times in the past second...indicative of a flaky cable.

The severity level assigned to the trap in the Notifications application's Trap Definitions pane. The severity level can be Normal, Warning, Minor, Major, or Critical.

Output Example: Minor

A summary of the trap severity counts.

Output Example: (2 Critical)

The severity level assigned to the trap in the Notifications application's Trap Definitions pane, expressed as an integer. The severity level integer can be 1 (Normal), 2 (Warning), 3 (Minor), 4 (Major), or 5 (Critical).

Output Example: 3

The version of the trap request, either 1 (version 1) or 2 (version 2).

All traps sent with SNMP version 1 protocol are "version 1" trap requests. All traps sent with SNMP versions 2, 2c, or 3 protocol are "version 2" trap requests. There are actually two different types of trap requests (not three). The message packet in which trap requests are sent can be one of four different versions: 1, 2, 2c, or 3. When you use the AOS CLI to create a version 1 trap station, version 1 traps in version 1 protocol are sent to that station. When you use the AOS CLI to create a version 2 trap station, version 2 traps in version 2c protocol are sent to that station. When you use the AOS CLI to create a version 3 trap station, version 2 traps in version 3 protocol are sent to that station. The version 2 trap request itself is identical whether wrapped in a version 2 or version 3 packet.

Output Example: 1

The IP address of the switch that generated the trap.

Output Example:

The length of time the switch that sent the trap has been up (or the amount of time since the last reset).

Output Example: 21 hours, 35 minutes, 49 seconds

The IP address of the SNMP agent.

Output Example:

The name of the switch that generated the trap.

Output Example: NMS-6450

The enterprise name. This only applies to SNMP Version 1 traps.

Output Example: .

The generic trap number. This only applies to SNMP Version 1 traps.

Output Example: 6

The enterprise trap number. This only applies to SNMP Version 1 traps.

Output Example: 10

Describes all of the variables in the trap.

$TrapVariable[1]$, $TrapVariable[2]$...
Accesses the first (second, etc.) variable in the trap.

Accesses the trap variable by its name.


The Summary window displays the Responder configuration. Click on the Create button to create the Responder. If necessary, click on the Back button to make any changes before creating the Responder.

Editing a Trap Responder

Select the Responder in the Trap Responder List and click on the Edit icon. Edit the Agent and Trap Type as described above, then click on the Apply button.

Deleting a Trap Responder

Select the Responder(s) in the Trap Responder List, click on the Delete icon, then click OK at the confirmation prompt.

Viewing Trap Responders

The Trap Responder List displays basic trap responder information (e.g., trap type, response description). Click on a trap responder to display more detailed formation. By default, all of the columns below are displayed. However, you can click on the Settings icon at the top of the screen to add/remove columns to/from the display.