Getting Started With OmniVista Cirrus

OmniVista® Cirrus is a cloud-based Network Management System (NMS). This cloud-based approach eliminates the need for purchasing and maintaining a physical server and installing the NMS onsite, since everything resides in the cloud. Network Operators can access OmniVista Cirrus from anywhere, using any approved browser and device (e.g., workstation, tablet).

Access to OmniVista Cirrus is supported on the following browsers: Chrome 79+ (on Windows and Redhat/SuSE Linux client PCs), and Firefox 62+ (on Windows and Redhat/SuSE Linux client PCs).

The sections below provide an overview of the OmniVista Cirrus User Interface, as well as procedures for setting up OmniVista Cirrus for network management.

OmniVista Cirrus User Interface

The OmniVista Cirrus Home Page displays a dashboard with application widgets that provide an overview of key applications. The widgets also link directly to their application, so you can access the application for more detailed information/configuration. The dashboard is customizable. You can add/remove widgets, and drag and drop them into any order, as well as close widgets and refresh widget content. The Global Tab displays all selected widgets for all applications. The WLAN Advanced Tab displays all selected Stellar Wireless Application Widgets. See the Dashboard online help for more information.

Banner Links

The following links are available in the Banner on the Home Page and on all screens in OmniVista Cirrus:

Unacknowledged Alarm Display

A real-time display of unacknowledged alarms is displayed at the bottom of the Home Page and on all screens in OmniVista Cirrus. The number of alarms in each category (e,g, Critical, Major, Minor) is displayed. Click on a category to go to the Notifications application and view all alarms in the selected category.


Applications in OmniVista Cirrus are organized as shown below. By default, all application drop-down menus (for both LAN and WLAN Devices) are displayed in the LAN+WLAN Menu. If the WLAN Menu is selected, application drop-down menus specific to WLAN devices are displayed (e.g., SSIDs, APs) to make it easier for the user to locate WLAN-specific applications. Note that there is no change to the content within the applications (i.e., the applications have not been modified to be "WLAN-specific"). The content of the applications accessed through the WLAN Menu and the LAN+WLAN Menu are the same. The menus are organized as described below.




Unified Access

















Customizing the Dashboard

You arrange widgets on the Dashboard by clicking on a widget and dragging it to a new location. You can also add or remove widgets from the Dashboard, customize the Dashboard layout using the Dashboard Settings option, and set the Dashboard refresh rate. This section provides an overview of application widgets and the Dashboard. For detailed information see the Dashboard Help.

Adding Widgets

To add a widget to the Dashboard, click on the Settings icon and select Add Widget. The Add Widget Screen, shown below, is displayed. All available widgets are displayed. (Widgets that are already displayed on the Dashboard are not displayed.) You can select a widget to display a sample of the widget and a brief summary of the information provided by the widget.

Select an available widget from the list and click OK. The widget will be added to the upper-left of the dashboard. You can then drag and drop the widget to any position in the Dashboard. Note that you can only add one widget at a time. Repeat the procedure to add additional widgets

Removing Widgets

To remove a widget from the dashboard, click on the Delete icon at the top-right corner of the widget. You can add the widget back or add a new widget by clicking on the Settings icon and selecting Add Widget.

Additional Options Provided Within Widgets

You can configure Dashboard display settings for certain widgets (e.g., Analytics Statistics) by clicking on the Config link at the bottom of the widget. You can then modify certain display options, such as the number of items displayed in the widget, the time period displayed in the widget, etc. This modifies the display on the Dashboard only. It does not modify the display within the application.

You can also hover over certain displays (e.g., Analytics to view more detailed information, and click on data within certain widgets to display additional information (e.g., clicking on bar and donut graphs displays additional information such as numeric values, clicking on Quarantine Manager topics at the bottom of the graph displays additional information for each topic).

Click on the More link at the bottom of a widget to open the full application for the widget. To return to the Dashboard, click on the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise logo at the top left corner of the screen.

The Favorites Widget and Adding Items to the Favorites Tab

The Favorites widget allows users to create a list of “quick links” for easy access to any OmniVista Cirrus application. To add an application to the Favorites list, start typing the name of the application in the text box. As text is entered, auto-complete displays a list of matching applications. Click an application to select it, then click the Add icon.

To replace an application in the list of Favorites, click the edit icon. Begin typing the new application name. Select the application and click the Save icon.

Note: Once an application has been added to the Favorites widget, a link to the application will also display under the Favorites tab in the OmniVista Cirrus Main Navigation Menu.

To remove an application from the Favorites widget, click the Delete icon next to the application link.

Customizing the Dashboard Layout

The Settings option also enables you to customize the Dashboard layout. To customize the layout, click on Settings icon and select Change Layout. The Change Layout Screen appears. By default, widgets are displayed in the "Auto" layout. To change the layout, select an option on the left. When you select a layout on the left, the layout is displayed in the Layout area. To choose that layout, click OK. The change takes effect immediately. If necessary, you can re-arrange the widgets in the new layout, by clicking and dragging them to new locations on the Dashboard.

Setting the Dashboard Refresh Rate

The data in the Dashboard Widgets is refreshed at regular intervals. To set the refresh rate, click on Settings icon and select Settings. Enter a refresh rate, in minutes. (Minimum refresh rate = 5, Default = 5).

Configuration/Display Buttons

OmniVista Cirrus provides standard buttons for interacting with configuration/display screens. These buttons include:

Configuration Buttons

Click the Create/Add button to create a new entry within the configuration screen.

To edit an existing entry, select the entry in the configuration screen and click the Edit button.

Used to duplicate an existing entry in a list or table. Select an entry in a table, and click on the Copy/Duplicate button to bring up a configuration screen with the selected configuration. You can then modify certain fields to quickly create a new entry. This can save time when creating multiple entries with similar configurations

Used to duplicate an existing entry in a list or table. Select an entry in a table, and click on the Clone button to bring up a configuration screen with the selected configuration. You can then modify certain fields to quickly create a new entry. This can save time when creating multiple entries with similar configurations.

To delete an entry, select the entry and click the Delete button.

Table Buttons

Table View
Table view organizes configuration screens in a table-based layout that is viewed and sorted similar to a spreadsheet. Table data may be exported to CSV files.

List View
List View organizes information and configuration tasks in a list view. Note that information displayed in List View cannot be Printed via the OmniVista Cirrus Print button. To print information from a particular screen, switch to Table View (if available).

Used to configure the column headings to display in a table, Click on the Settings button and select the column headings you want to display.

The Refresh button loads the latest data for an application table, chart or list.

Click on the Help button to load for a context-sensitive walk-through of an application, table or configuration screen.

Click the Search button and enter search criteria in the "Search..." field to display specific entries in the table. Click on the "x" to the right to return to the original display.

Users can create custom filters for OmniVista Cirrus tables to display specific data. To create a custom filter:

  • Click the filter button.
  • In the Filter screen, click Add.
  • Enter a Filter Name for the custom filter.
  • Enter a Filter Description for the filter.
  • In the Conditions area, for “Filter elements where ... of the following apply”, specify the strictness of the conditions (e.g., display results if ANY condition is encountered, or only display results if ALL of the conditions are encountered).
  • Select an option from the application-specific conditions list. This automatically enables the conditions.
  • Next, fine-tune conditions by selecting options under the following pull down menus:
    • have/not have
    • Name - select a column heading to use in the filter.
    • contains
      • begins with
      • ends with
      • equal
      • not equal
    • [enter value] - enter a specific text string
    • non-case sensitive/case sensitive
  • Additional application-specific conditions may be added to the conditions outlined in the previous step by clicking the “Add new Condition” link.
  • You can also add a completely new group of conditions by clicking the Add icon and repeating the steps outlined above.

Click the Reset button after filtering a table to return to the original display.

Export to CSV
Click the CSV button to download information displayed in Table View to a CSV (spreadsheet) file.

Add To Report
Click to create a report for the page. These reports are PDF versions of tables and reports generated in certain OmniVista Cirrus applications. Basically, in addition to viewing information in real-time, you can generate PDFs of the screens. When a report is generated, it takes a current snapshot of the application information. These reports can be generated immediately or you can schedule them to be generated at regular times/intervals (e.g., Daily, Weekly). You can also configure a report to be e-mailed when it is generated. Reports are configured in the Report application.

Print Table View information by clicking the Print button. Note that information displayed in List View cannot be Printed via the OmniVista Cirrus Print button (button is not available). To print information from a screen, switch to Table View (if available).

Full Screen
Change screen view to Full Screen.

Working with Tables

Information in OmniVista Cirrus is primarily presented in table format. By default, the menu on the left side of the screen is initially displayed, and then collapses to display more of the table. Click on the arrows next to the menu to view/collapse the menu. You can also click on the pin icon at the top of the menu to lock the menu display. This will lock the menu display for all applications (it will not automatically collapse). To return to the default menu view click on the pin icon again. The general functionality of each area is described below. Details for each button are provided in the Configuration/Display Buttons section.

On most screens, all configured items are displayed in a table. As show above, you can search or sort to display specific items. Applications with larger tables (e.g., VLANs) do not display data by default. You must select the devices/AP Groups you want to display in the table. These applications feature a Device Selection Bar at the top of the table (shown below). Click on the Devices ADD button and/or the AP Groups ADD button to select the devices you want to display.

To change the display, click on the Devices EDIT button and/or the AP Groups EDIT button to add/remove devices/AP Groups.

Your device selection will remain persistent until you change it or log out of OmniVista Cirrus. If you log out, the default setting (no display) returns.

Setting Up OmniVista Cirrus for Network Management

After creating a Freemium account, you can upgrade to a Paid account at any time. A Paid account provides full management for the subscribed number of devices and services for the length of the contract. Once you upgrade to a Paid account, you can add and license devices for full management in OmniVista Cirrus.