Group Management

The Users and User Groups Group Management Screen displays all currently-configured User Groups (along with a brief description). You can click on a User Group in the list for more information about the group. The screen is used to create, edit, or delete User Groups; and add or delete Users from a User Group. OmniVista Cirrus is shipped with three pre-configured User Groups:

Note: Specific rights for each OmniVista Cirrus application for the above system-defined Groups can be viewed by clicking on a Group in the Existing Groups Table to view the Details window.

Creating a User Group

Click on the Create icon and complete the fields as described below. When you are finished, click on the Create button.

Note that users may belong to more than one group at a time, in which case their access rights are defined by the most privileged group to which they belong. Also note that you do not have to add users to the User Group at this time. When you create a user, you can add them to any existing User Group as a member. You can also edit a User Group later to add members.

Editing a User Group

Click on a Group on the Group Management Screen to bring up the User Group Detail Screen. Click on the Edit icon. You can edit the Description, Assigned Roles, and User Members fields. When you are done, click the Apply button. You will be returned to the Group Management Screen. Note that you cannot edit the Group Name field. Also note that you can only edit the Description field of the Administrators Group.

Deleting a User Group

Select a User Group(s) on the Group Management Screen by clicking in the checkbox, click on the Delete icon, then click OK. Note that you cannot delete the Administrators Group or the Default Group.

Existing Groups Table

The Existing Groups Table displays all configured User Groups. Click on a group in the table for more details.