RADIUS Attribute Dictionary
The Setting RADIUS Attribute Dictionary Screen displays all RADIUS Attributes stored on the RADIUS Server and is used to add, edit, and delete attributes. The RADIUS Attribute Dictionary Feature enables UPAM to integrate with other vendor's network infrastructure, and allows UPAM to act as a RADIUS Server to authenticate user requests from Third-Party devices.
Note: Click on the Sync to RADIUS button to add any custom attributes you have created to the RADIUS Server. The server will restart after the sync.
Adding a RADIUS Attribute
Click on the Add icon, complete the fields as described below, then click on the Create button to add a RADIUS Attribute.
- Vendor - Select a vendor (IETF, Alcatel, Other)
- Vendor Name - The vendor name (pre-filled for IETF and Alcatel).
- Vendor ID - The vendor ID ((pre-filled for IETF and Alcatel).
- Radius Attribute Name - Select a Radius attribute for IETF or Alcatel from the drop-down. For other vendors, enter the attribute name.
- Attribute Code - The attribute code is automatically populated if the Radius Attribute Name is selected from the drop-down list. Otherwise, it needs to be manually entered (Attribute code of same vendor is not repeatable).
- Value Type - The type of value allowed for the attribute.
- Available In - The configuration step in which the attribute can be applied.
- Access Policy - The attribute can be utilized for Access Policy configuration.
- Authentication Enforcement Policy - The attribute can be utilized for Authentication Enforcement Policy configuration.
- Radius-DM - The attribute can be utilized for NAS Client configuration.
Editing a RADIUS Attribute
Select an attribute in the RADIUS Attribute Dictionary List and click on the Edit icon. Edit any necessary fields as described above, then click on the Apply button.
Deleting a RADIUS Attribute
Select an attribute(s) in the RADIUS Attribute Dictionary List and click on the Delete icon. Click OK at the Confirmation Prompt. You cannot delete the standard attributes, only attributes that you have added.
RADIUS Attribute Dictionary List
The RADIUS Attribute Dictionary List displays all available RADIUS attributes.
- Attribute Name - The name of the vendor attribute
- Attribute Code - The attribute code.
- Vendor Name - The vendor name.
- Vendor ID - The vendor ID.
- Value Type - The type of value allowed for the attribute.
- Access Policy - Whether or not the attribute is available in an Access Policy (True/False).
- Enforcement Policy -Whether or not the attribute is available in an Enforcement Policy (True/False).
- RADIUS-DM -Whether or not the attribute is available in NAS Client configuration (True/False).
- Sync to RADIUS - Whether or not the attribute has been synced to the RADIUS Server (True/False).