The Guest Access Summary Screen provides an overview of Guest Access on the network. The screen provides the following information:
- Guest License Information
- Guest Device License - Total number of Guest Licenses available.
- License Used - Total number of Guest Licenses used.
- Available - Currently available Guest Licenses.
- Guest Account And Device Statistics
- New Created Account - Guest Accounts created on that day.
- Total Guest Account - Total number of Guest Accounts.
- Active Guest Account - The Guest Accounts that have been activated by a guest device by logging into the network.
- Total Guest Device - The total number of Guest Devices registered in UPAM.
- Browser - Guest Device browser usage as a percentage of total Guest browser usage.
- Remembered Guest Device Category - Displays information by device category (e.g., Computer. Mobile, Table) in a pie chart format.
- Guest Account Creation Mode - Displays the method used to create the Guest Account (e.g., created by administrator, or guest self-registration) in a pie chart format.