Guest Operator
The Guest Access Guest Operator Screen displays all configured Guest Operators and is used to create, edit, and delete a Guest Operator. A Guest Operator is a network operator who manages the guest user network access. A Guest Operator can create guest user accounts and approve guest user self-registration requests.
Creating a Guest Operator
Click on the Create icon to bring up the Create Guest Operator Screen. Complete the fields as described below, then click on the Create button.
- Username - User name of the Guest Operator account.
- Full Name - Full name of the Guest Operator.
- Password - Password of the Guest Operator account.
- Repeat Password - Re-enter to confirm the account password.
- Telephone - Telephone of the Guest Operator.
- Email - Email address of the Guest Operator.
- Location - Location/Site of the Guest Operator. Guest requests are sent to the operator for this location.
- Description - Optional description information for the Guest Operator account.
Editing a Guest Operator
Select a Guest Operator in the Guest Operator List and click on the Edit icon. Edit the field(s) as described above, and click on the Apply button. Note that you cannot edit a User Name.
Deleting a Guest Operator
Select a Guest Operator in the Guest Operator List and click on the Delete icon. Click OK at the Confirmation Prompt.
Guest Operator List
The Guest Operator displays information about all configured operators.
- Username - User name of the Guest Operator account.
- Full Name - Full name of the Guest Operator.
- Telephone - Telephone of the Guest Operator.
- Email - Email address of the Guest Operator.
- Location - Location/Site of the Guest Operator. Guest requests are sent to the operator for this location.
- Description - Optional description information for the Guest Operator account.
- Last Login Time - Latest login time for the Guest Operator account.
- Login URL - The management interface for Guest Operator. It uses the secondary IP address of OmniVista.