Guest Account
The Guest Access Guest Account Screen displays all configured Guest Accounts and is used to create, edit, and delete Guest Accounts. If self-registration is not enabled, you can manually create a login account for a Guest User and relay the information to the Guest User. In addition, you can manually add a device for the Guest Account to the Remembered Devices List on the Guest Device Screen.
There are two tabs on the Guest Account Screen: " Account" displays all configured Guest Accounts. "Access Code" displays all configured Guest Access Code Accounts. The "Account" tab is used to create Guest Acounts by name and the "Access Code" tab is used to create Guest Accounts by access code.
Creating a Guest Account
Click on the Add icon to access the Create Guest Account Screen. Complete the fields as described below, then click on the Create button. When an account is created, it is automatically enabled. To disable and account, select the account and click on the Disable icon at the top of the screen.
- User Name - Account identifier (e.g., name of the guest).
- Password - Password for the account.
- Repeat Password - Re-enter and confirm the Guest Account password.
- Service Level - Specify the service level for the Guest Account. Service Levels are configured on the UPAM - Guest Access - Global Configuration page.
- Data Quota - Enable and set the maximum data usage allowed for the Guest Account, in MB. By default, this field is set to 1MB. You can set a different Data Quota by assigning a Service Level to the Guest Account. Service Levels are configured on the UPAM - Guest Access - Global Configuration page.
- Account Validity Period - The length of time that the Guest Account is valid. The initial date and time displayed reflects the Account Validity Period configured on the Global Configuration page (UPAM - Guest Access - Global Configuration). You can change that range here by clicking on the Calendar icon and setting a new date and time. However, the Account Validity Period you set cannot be longer than the length set on the Global Configuration page. For example, if you set the Global Validity Period to 180 days, the longest period you will be able to set will be up to 180 days.
- Full Name - Full name of the Guest User.
- Company - Company name of the Guest User.
- Telephone - Telephone number of the Guest User.
- Email - Email address of the Guest User.
- Description - Optional description for the account.
Note: You can automatically import a xls/csv/xlsx file containing Guest Account information by clicking on the Import button at the top of the screen. You can also download a template by clicking on the Import button then clicking on the Template Download button.
Note: To print a ticket for a Guest User containing login information, click on the Create and Print button when creating the account. If the account has already been created, select the account and click on the Print Tickets button to immediately print a ticket.
Batch Account Creation by Account Name
You can quickly create multiple Guest Accounts by clicking on the Batch Creation button at the top of the screen. Complete the fields as described below then click on the Create button. To print tickets for the Guest Users containing login information, click on the Create and Print button.
- Guest Account Name Prefix - Enter a prefix for the accounts you are creating. When created, the account name will consist of the prefix and incremented number (e.g., Guest1, Guest2).
- Number of Clients to Create - Enter the number of Guest Accounts you want to create. (Range = 1 - 5000)
- Service Level - Specify the service level for the account. Service Levels are configured on the UPAM - Guest Access - Global Configuration page.
- Data Quota - Enable and set the maximum data usage allowed for the Guest Account.
- Account Validity Period - Length of time, in days, that the Guest Account is valid. The range available depends on the range set on the Global Configuration Screen (UPAM - Guest Access - Global Configuration). For example, if you set the Global Validity Period to 180 days, the longest period you will be able to set will be up to 180 days. (Range = 1 – 365, Default = 90)
- Description - Optional description for the account.
Note: The Batch Creation Feature is enabled on the Global Configuration Screen (UPAM - Guest Account - Global Configuration). Once it is enabled, the Batch Creation button is enabled.
Editing a Guest Account
Select a Guest Account in the Account List and click on the Edit icon. Edit the field(s) as described above, and click on the Apply button. Note that you cannot edit an Account Name.
Deleting a Guest Account
Select a Guest Account in the Account List and click on the Delete icon. Click OK at the Confirmation Prompt.
Extend a Guest Account
You can extend the maximum data usage allowed and the expiration date for a Guest Account in the Account List by accessing the Extend Account Screen. Select a Guest Account in the Account List and click on the Extend button. Select a new Data Quota Amount and new Account Validity Period then click on the Save button.
Adding a Device to the Guest Account Remebered Devices List
Select a Guest Account in the Guest Account List and click on the Add Device button at the top of the screen to bring up the Create Guest Device Screen. Complete the fields as described below, then click on the Create button. The device is added to the Remebered Devices List on the Guest Device screen.
- Device MAC - Enter the MAC address of the guest device.
- Device Category - Optionally select a category for the device (Default = Others):
- Computer
- Mobile
- Tablet
- Game console
- Digital media receiver
- Others
- Device Family - Optionally select a production vendor of the guest device (Default = Others):
- Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise
- Apple
- Samsung
- Huawei
- Microsoft
- LG
- Lenovo
- HP
- Nokia
- MI
- Sony
- Blackberry
- Others
- Device OS - Optionally select the OS running on the guest device (Default = Others):
- Linux
- Windows
- MacOS
- Android
- Others
- Description - Enter an optional description for this device.
Guest Account List
The Guest Account List displays information about all configured Guest Accounts. The list displays basic information. Click on an account in the list for more detail.
- User Name - Account identifier (e.g., name of the guest).
- Data Quota - The Date Quota administrative status (Enabled/Disabled).
- Data Quota Amount - The maximum data traffic allowed for the Guest Account, in MB.
- Account Validity Period - The date and time the Account Validity Period ends.
- Service Level - The Service Level for the Guest Account, if configured.
- Full Name - Full name of the Guest User.
- Company - Company name of the Guest User.
- Telephone - Telephone number of the Guest User.
- Email - Email address of the Guest User.
- Sponsor Name - Sponsor who created the Guest Account or approved it for self-registration.
- Admin-XXX - Indicates the sponsor belongs to the Administrator group; XXX indicates the account in the group.
- EmployeeSponsor-YYY - Indicates the sponsor belongs to the Employee group; YYY indicates the employee account in the group.
- GuestSponsor-ZZZ - Indicates the sponsor belongs to the Guest Operator group; ZZZ indicates the Guest Operator account in the group.
- SelfRegister-AAA - Indicates no sponsor is involved and there is no need approval for the self-registration request; AAA indicates the login password is guest-user-defined (Manually) or UPAM-defined (Automatically).
- Description - Optional description for the account.
- Effective Date - The date and time the account was created.
- Status - The administrative status of the account (Enabled/Expired/Disabled).
- Guest Account Deletion Policy - The number of days after the Account Validity Period expires before Guest Accounts are automatically deleted:
- Never - Guest Account will not be deleted at the end of the Account Validity Period (Default).
- Immediately - Guest Account will be automatically deleted at the end of the Account Validity Period.
- Number of Days - Guest Account will be automatically deleted on the configured number of days after the end of the Account Validity Period (Range = 1 - 90).
- Guest Type - The login method for the Guest Account.
- User Name - Account identifier (e.g., name of the Guest User).
- Telephone - Telephone number of the Guest User.
- Email - Email address of the Guest User.
- Full Name - Full name of the Guest User.
- Company - Company name of the Guest User.
- Effective Date - The date and time the Guest Account was created.
- Expire Time - The date and time the Guest Account expires.
- Service Level - The Service Level for the Guest Account, if configured.
- Data Quota - The Date Quota administrative status (Enabled/Disabled).
- Data Quota Amount - The maximum data traffic allowed for the Guest Account, in MB.
- Guest Account Deletion Policy - The number of days after the Account Validity Period expires before Guest Accounts are automatically deleted:
- Never - Guest Account will not be deleted at the end of the Account Validity Period (Default).
- Immediately - Guest Account will be automatically deleted at the end of the Account Validity Period.
- Number of Days - Guest Account will be automatically deleted on the configured number of days after the end of the Account Validity Period (Range = 1 - 90).
- Sponsor Name - Sponsor who created the account or approved it for self-registration.
- Admin-XXX - Indicates the sponsor belongs to the Administrator group; XXX indicates the account in the group.
- EmployeeSponsor-YYY - Indicates the sponsor belongs to the Employee group; YYY indicates the employee account in the group.
- GuestSponsor-ZZZ - Indicates the sponsor belongs to the Guest Operator group; ZZZ indicates the Guest Operator account in the group.
- SelfRegister-AAA - Indicates no sponsor is involved and there is no need approval for the self-registration request; AAA indicates the login password is guest-user-defined (Manually) or UPAM-defined (Automatically).
- Online Devices - The number of online devices are logged in with the account.
- Status - The administrative status of the account (Enabled/Disabled).
- Description - Optional description for the account.
Note: Custom attributes will show if you configured Custom Attributes in Guest Access Strategy.
Creating a Guest Access Code Account
To create a new Guest Access Code Account, click on the “Access Code” tab on the Guest Accounts screen then click on the Add icon to access the Create Guest Account screen. Complete the fields as described below, then click on the Create button.
- Access Code - The Access Code of the Guest Account.
- Service Level - Specify the service level for the Guest Account. Service Levels are configured on the UPAM - Guest Access - Global Configuration page.
- Account Validity Period - The length of time that the Guest Account is valid. The initial date and time displayed reflects the Account Validity Period configured on the Global Configuration page (UPAM - Guest Access - Global Configuration). You can change that range here by clicking on the Calendar icon and setting a new date and time. However, the Account Validity Period you set cannot be longer than the length set on the Global Configuration page. For example, if you set the Global Validity Period to 180 days, the longest period you will be able to set will be up to 180 days.
- Description - Optional description for the account.
Note: You can automatically import a xls/csv/xlsx file containing Guest Account information by clicking on the Import button at the top of the screen. You can also download a template by clicking on the Import button then clicking on the Template button.
Note: To print a ticket for a Guest User containing login information, click on the Create&Print button when creating the account. If the account has already been created, select the account and click on the Print Tickets button to immediately print a ticket.
Batch Account Creation by Access Code
You can quickly create multiple Guest Accounts by clicking on the Batch Creation button at the top of the screen. Complete the fields as described below then click on the Create button. To print tickets for the Guest Users containing login information, click on the Create and Print button.
- Number of Clients to Create - Enter the number of Guest Accounts you want to create. (Range = 1 - 5000)
- Service Level - Specify the service level for the account. Service Levels are configured on the UPAM - Guest Access - Global Configuration page.
- Account Validity Period - Length of time, in days, that the Guest Account is valid. The range available depends on the range set on the Global Configuration Screen (UPAM - Guest Access - Global Configuration). For example, if you set the Global Validity Period to 180 days, the longest period you will be able to set will be up to 180 days. (Range = 1 – 365, Default = 90)
- Description - Optional description for the account.
Note: The Batch Creation Feature is enabled on the Global Configuration Screen (UPAM - Guest Account - Global Configuration). Once it is enabled, the Batch Creation button is enabled.
Editing a Guest Access Code Account
Select a Guest Access Code Account in the Access Code List and click on the Edit icon. Edit the field(s) as described above, and click on the Apply button. Note that you cannot edit an Account Name.
Deleting a Guest Account
Select a Guest Access Code Account in the Access Code List and click on the Delete icon. Click OK at the Confirmation Prompt.
Extend a Guest Access Code Account
You can extend the expiration date for a Guest Access Code Account in the Access Code List by accessing the Extend Account Screen. Select a Guest Access Code Account in the Access Code List and click on the Extend button. Select a new Account Validity Period then click on the Save button.
Access Code List
The Access Code List displays information about all configured Guest Access Code Accounts. The list displays basic information. Click on an account in the list for more detail.
- Access Code - The Access Code of the Guest Account.
- Status - The administrative status of the account (Enabled/Expired/Disabled).
- Effective Date - The date and time the account was created.
- Account Validity Period - The date and time the Account Validity Period ends.
- Service Level - The Service Level for the Guest Account, if configured.
- Guest Account Deletion Policy - The number of days after the Account Validity Period expires before Guest Accounts are automatically deleted:
- Never - Guest Account will not be deleted at the end of the Account Validity Period (Default).
- Immediately - Guest Account will be automatically deleted at the end of the Account Validity Period.
- Number of Days - Guest Account will be automatically deleted on the configured number of days after the end of the Account Validity Period (Range = 1 - 90).
- Sponsor Name - Sponsor who created the Guest Account or approved it for self-registration.
- Admin-XXX - Indicates the sponsor belongs to the Administrator group; XXX indicates the account in the group.
- EmployeeSponsor-YYY - Indicates the sponsor belongs to the Employee group; YYY indicates the employee account in the group.
- GuestSponsor-ZZZ - Indicates the sponsor belongs to the Guest Operator group; ZZZ indicates the Guest Operator account in the group.
- SelfRegister-AAA - Indicates no sponsor is involved and there is no need approval for the self-registration request; AAA indicates the login password is guest-user-defined (Manually) or UPAM-defined (Automatically).
- Description - Optional description for the account.
- Guest Type - The login method for the Guest Account (Access Code)
- Access Code - The Access Code of the Guest Account.
- Effective Date - The date and time the Guest Account was created.
- Expire Time - The date and time the Guest Account expires.
- Service Level - The Service Level for the Guest Account, if configured.
- Guest Account Deletion Policy - The number of days after the Account Validity Period expires before Guest Accounts are automatically deleted:
- Never - Guest Account will not be deleted at the end of the Account Validity Period (Default).
- Immediately - Guest Account will be automatically deleted at the end of the Account Validity Period.
- Number of Days - Guest Account will be automatically deleted on the configured number of days after the end of the Account Validity Period (Range = 1 - 90).
- Sponsor Name - Sponsor who created the account or approved it for self-registration.
- Admin-XXX - Indicates the sponsor belongs to the Administrator group; XXX indicates the account in the group.
- EmployeeSponsor-YYY - Indicates the sponsor belongs to the Employee group; YYY indicates the employee account in the group.
- GuestSponsor-ZZZ - Indicates the sponsor belongs to the Guest Operator group; ZZZ indicates the Guest Operator account in the group.
- SelfRegister-AAA - Indicates no sponsor is involved and there is no need approval for the self-registration request; AAA indicates the login password is guest-user-defined (Manually) or UPAM-defined (Automatically).
- Online Devices - The number of online devices are logged in with the account.
- Status - The administrative status of the account (Enabled/Disabled).
- Description - Optional description for the account.