Global Configuration
The Guest Access Global Configuration Screen is used to set global configurations for Guest Access Strategy and Guest Accounts. Complete the fields as described below and click on the Apply button. Note that any global configuration changes you make will only be applied to Guest Accounts created after the changes are made. The configurations of existing accounts will not change.
Batch Account Creation
Batch Account creation enables you quickly create batch accounts for Guest Users. Guest Accounts are configured on the Guest Account page (UPAM- Guest Access - Guest Account).
- Batch Account Creation - Enable/Disable the batch Guest Account creation function on the Guest Account page.
- Default Prefix For Account - Enter a default prefix used for batch Guest Account creation.
- Effective at First Login - If enabled, the Guest Accounts created will begin their Validity Period the first time the user logs in. If disabled, the Validity Period begins when the Guest Account is created (Enabled/Disabled, Default = Disabled)
- Access Code Length - If Batch Account Creation is Enabled, you can set the Access Code Length for the created Guest Accounts (Range = 6 - 16, Default = 6).
Registration Strategy
Configure the basic Guest Account Registration strategy.
- Period Unit - The unit used for the Account Validity Period Attribute (Days, Hours, Minutes).
- Account Validity Period - The length of time that Guest Accounts are valid. (Range = 1 – 365 Days, Default = 90 Days). You can customize the Guest Account Validity Period for a specific account on the Guest Account page (UPAM - Guest Access - Guest Account). However, the range you can set on the Guest Account page cannot be longer than the length set here. For example, if you set the Global Validity Period to 180 days, the longest period you will be able to set on the Guest Account page will be up to 180 days.
- Guest Account Deletion Policy - Configure how long expired Guest Accounts are retained before they are automatically deleted:
- Never - Guest Accounts will not be deleted at the end of the Account Validity Period (Default).
- Immediately After Expiration - Guest Accounts will be automatically deleted at the end of the Account Validity Period.
- Set Days After Expiration - Guest Accounts will be automatically deleted on the configured number of days after the end of the Account Validity Period (Range = 1 - 90). Note that you can click on the Other Options button to return to list of original options.
- Remember Device - Specify whether to remember the device MAC address and make it valid after successful authentication. If the remembered device is valid, the MAC address check will be performed first and the device allowed access without re-authentication.
- Device Validity Period - The length of time that the user device is valid. (Range = 1 – 365 Days, Default = 30 Days).
- Max Device Number Per Account - The maximum number of devices that can access the network with one single account. (Range = 1 – 500,000, Default = 10).
Data Quota
Specify the guest traffic quota, in MB, for the Guest Access Strategy. You can customize the data quota for different guests when creating accounts on the Guest Account page.
Service Level
You can configure up to five (5) different Service Levels for Guest Accounts by binding various levels of Access Roles and Policies. You can configure a Service Level for different guests when creating an account on the Guest Account page.
- Enable Service - Enables/Disables Service for the Level.
- Service Name - Service Name.
- Access Role Profile - Access Role Profile defined for the Service Level.
- Policy List - Policy List defined for the Service Level.
- Data Quota - Specify the guest traffic quota, in MB, for the Service Level.
- Period Unit - Specify the unit for account validity period attribute (Days, Hours, Minutes).
- Account Validity Period - The length of time that Guest Accounts are valid. (Range = 1 – 365 Days, Default = 90 Days). You can customize the Guest Account Validity Period for a specific account on the Guest Account page (UPAM - Guest Access - Guest Account). However, the range you can set on the Guest Account page cannot be longer than the length set here. For example, if you set the Global Validity Period to 180 days, the longest period you will be able to set on the Guest Account page will be up to 180 days.
- Guest Account Deletion Policy - The number of days after the Account Validity Period expires before Guest Accounts are automatically deleted:
- Never - Guest Accounts will not be deleted at the end of the Account Validity Period (Default).
- Immediately After Expiration - Guest Accounts will be automatically deleted at the end of the Account Validity Period.
- Set Days After Expiration - Guest Accounts will be automatically deleted on the configured number of days after the end of the Account Validity Period (Range = 1 - 90). Note that you can click on the Other Options button to return to list of original options.
- Remember Device - Specify whether to remember the device MAC address and make it valid after successful authentication. If the remembered device is valid, the MAC address check will be performed first and the device allowed access without re-authentication.
- Device Validity Period - The length of time that the user device is valid. (Range = 1 – 365 Days, Default = 30 Days).
- Max Device Number Per Account - The maximum number of devices that can access the network with one single account. (Range = 1 – 500,000, Default = 10).
- Description - Optional description for the Service Level.