Unified Policies

The Unified Access Unified Policies Screen displays configured Unified Policies and is used to create, edit, delete, and view Unified Policies. Unified Policies are QoS Policies that can be applied to both wireline and wireless devices. Unified Policies are created using a wizard that guides you through each of the steps needed to create the Policy and apply the Policy to devices in the network.

Note: Unified Policies are only displayed in the Unified Policies Table. They are not displayed with other configured QoS Policies in the Expert Mode Existing Policies Table.

Note: You cannot apply a policy to an IAP from the Unified Policies application. To apply a policy to an IAP, configure the policy(ies) as part of a Policy List, configure an Access Role Profile with the Policy List, and apply the profile to the device(s). Access Role Profiles are configured in the Unified Access application (Unified Access - Device Config - Access Role Profile).

Creating Unified Policy

To create a Unified Policy, click on the Create icon. The wizard will then guide you through the following screens:

Note: As you configure a policy, conditions and actions are verified against the devices selected for the policy. If a condition or action is not supported by one of the selected devices, and error message will appear indicating the error and corrective action to be taken.

Important Note: If you are using OmniVista Cirrus to create policies, do not use any outside management tools (including the CLI) to create/edit policies, conditions, or actions.

After creating a policy, you must apply the Policy to devices in the network.

Applying a Unified Policy to the Network

After configuring and saving a policy(ies), you must apply the policy(ies) by notifying devices/AP Groups in the network. If you click Notify All, all of the policies listed in the Existing Unified Policies Table are applied to all of the devices/AP Groups configured for each policy. To apply the policy(ies) only to certain devices/AP Groups, click on the Devices ADD button to select devices, click on the AP Groups ADD button to select AP Groups, then click on Notify Selected.

After notifying the devices, you can view the status of the re-cache operation, by clicking on the Status All/Status Selected button to view the Policy Status in the Device Notification Status Table. When you click on the Status button, a warning screen will appear. If you have just notified devices, click on the Status button to view the Policy Status. If you have not yet notified devices, click on the Notify button to notify devices. You can then click on the Status button to view the Policy Status.

To close the Device Notification Status Table, click on the "x" in the upper-right corner of the table.

Note: When you notify network switches, all QoS-enabled switches flush their policy tables and reload policies from the LDAP repository, which is very expensive in terms of switch resources and time. It is recommended that you review all policies that you have created and apply them at the same time to minimize switch downtime.

Editing a Unified Policy

To edit a policy, select the policy in the Existing Unified Policies Table and click on the Edit icon. Use the wizard to make any edits. When you are done, apply the edited policy to the network.

Note: If you modify a policy and select different device types at the Device Selection Step (AOS/Wireless), a warning dialog will be displayed if the condition in the policy is not supported on one of the selected device types. For example: “Condition mis-match: condition (L2 MACs and L4 Service) is not valid for selected device. Do you want to remove the mis-match conditions?” If you select Yes, the mis-matched conditions will be removed from edited policy. Otherwise, the newly selected devices will be removed from Device Selection list.

Note: If you edit a Group (e.g., MAC Group, Network Group, IP Multicast Group) that is used in a Policy Condition you must re-notify any devices associated with the policy.

Deleting Unified Policy

To delete a policy(ies), select the policy(ies) in the Existing Unified Policies Table and click on the Delete icon, then click OK at the confirmation prompt.

Note: Deleting a policy(ies) in the Existing Unified Policies Table will not automatically update policy(ies) on any switch that contain this policy(ies). To delete a policy(ies) on switch, select an option from the drop-down menu (Use Switch Picker/Use Topology), click on the Select Device button and select the device(s), then click the Notify Selected button.

Policy Information

The Existing Unified Policies Table displays information for all configured policies. You can also click on a policy to view detailed information about the Policy (e.g., Condition, Action).