Device Catalog

The Inventory Device Catalog Screen displays detailed information about all devices known to OmniVista Cirrus. It is also used to add devices, manage device licenses, create Topology Geo Location Map Sites; edit, delete, and search for devices; and perform certain operations on devices (e.g., Set Software Version, Assign/Release License). To manage a device in OmniVista Cirrus, the device must first be added to the Device Catalog. The device is then validated by the OmniVista Cirrus Server. Once the device is validated and connected to your network, it is available for limited management. With limited management, a device is displayed in the Device Catalog and you can perform one software upgrade on the device (i.e., Freemium level management). For full management, a device must be licensed. An overview of the device catalog workflow is shown below.

Note: Remote Access Points for OmniVista Enterprise are added using an OmniVista Cirrus Freemium Account. Click here for procedures on adding Remote Access Points to OmniVista Enterprise installations. See the Remote Access Point and VPN VA Installation Guide for detailed procedures on configuring Remote Access Points.

Note: There are certain prerequisites that you must verify/configure on your local network (e.g., DCHP Server, Firewall, NTP Server) and devices (e.g., OS release) for devices to communicate with OmniVista Cirrus. If you are setting up a Freemium Account, or are having trouble with devices connecting to the OmniVista Cirrus Server, verify that these prerequisites have been met.

Device Catalog Process/Workflow

An overview of the basic process flow for adding/licensing devices is shown below. OmniVista Cirrus Server processing steps are shown in gray. The device status that must be reached to move to the next step is shown in italics. Device status is displayed in real time in the Device Status column on the Device Catalog Screen. (For a Virtual Chassis, each device in the Virtual Chassis reflects the status of the Master Chassis.) Note that a device may go through several intermediate steps (e.g., Upgrading) before reaching a final step (e.g., OV Managed). Detailed device status information is provided below.

The steps for adding devices to the Device Catalog are shown below. The steps must be performed in order. If you are adding a device for limited management, you do not have to license the device, just add the device and start the activation process. If you are adding a device for full management, complete all of the steps.

  1. Adding Devices to the Device Catalog
  2. Licensing Devices
  3. Starting the Activation Process on Devices

Note: If you have enabled automatic licensing, Step 2 is not required. An available license will be automatically assigned to the device after it is added. The Automatic Licensing Option is presented when you upgrade to a Trial or Paid Account. It can also be enabled at any time in the Device Catalog License Wizard.

Note: If a device supports the Automatic Call Home Feature, Step 3 is not required. The device will automatically contact the OmniVista Server at the configured Call Home Interval (Default = 5 minutes) and initiate the activation process. LAN Devices running AOS 6.7.2.R04 (and later) or AOS 8.5R2 (and later), and APs running AWOS 3.0.4 MR1 support the Automatic Call Home Feature.

Adding Devices to the Device Catalog

To manage a device, you must first add the device to the Device Catalog. You add devices by inputting the serial number (and MAC address for APs) for each device. The serial numbers/MAC addresses are sent to the OmniVista Cirrus Server for validation. There are three ways you can add a device:

Note: For LAN devices, make sure the device is running a minimum software version of AOS 6.7.2.R03 or 8.4.1.R03, before adding it to the Device Catalog. For APs, make sure the device is running a minimum software version of AWOS before adding it to the Device Catalog. Click here for instructions on upgrading device software.

Note: Click here for procedures on adding Remote Access Points to OmniVista Enterprise installations.

Manually Adding a Device

1. Click on the Add icon to bring up the Add a Device Screen.

2. Complete the fields as follows:

4. Click on the Create button.

When you first add the devices, basic information for the device will appear in the Device Catalog with the Device Status column displaying "Waiting for Validation". (For a Virtual Chassis, each device in the Virtual Chassis reflects the status of the Master Chassis.) When the validation process successfully completes, the Device Status will display "Waiting for First Contact". (It can take a few minutes for all devices to be validated.)

5. Repeat to add any additional devices.

Bulk Import Multiple Devices

You can add multiple devices by importing a .csv file containing serial numbers (and MAC addresses for APs) for each device.

1. Click on the Import button at the top of the screen. The Import Devices Screen appears.

2. If necessary, click on the Template button to download a .csv template file (shown below). If you already have a .csv file prepared, go to Step 5 to import the file.

3. Use the template to create a list of device serial numbers (MAC addresses for APs), and Site IDs and Geo Locations (to use the Topology Geo Location Feature).

4. Save the template file.

5. On the Import Devices Screen, click on the Browse button to locate the file, then click on the Import button to import the file to OmniVista.

6. At the prompt, set the software version for the devices in the list.

7. When you are done, click the Apply button.

When you first add the devices, basic information for the device will appear in the Device Catalog with the Device Status column displaying "Waiting for Validation". (For a Virtual Chassis, each device in the Virtual Chassis reflects the status of the Master Chassis.) When the validation process successfully completes, the Device Status will display "Waiting for First Contact". (It can take a few minutes for all devices to be validated.)

Adding Devices Using the OV Cirrus Assistant Mobile App

The OV Cirrus Assistant Mobile App can be used to quickly add devices to the Device Catalog. Go the Apple App Store or Google Play and download the OV Cirrus Assistant Mobile App to your phone. Follow the steps below to scan device serial numbers and device location into the Device Catalog.

1. Log into the app using your OmniVista Cirrus username and password.

2. Click on Scan to scan a serial number on a single device. Click on Batch Scan to scan serial numbers on multiple devices.

3. Aim the camera at the device's bar code or QR Code. (You must scan the QR Code for APs.) If you are scanning a single serial number, the app will return to the first screen. If you are scanning serial numbers on multiple devices, the app will "beep" after it captures a number. Continue to scan additional numbers. When you are finished, click Cancel. The app will return to the first screen.

4. You can click on Scanned Devices to verify that you have successfully captured all of the device serial numbers. The scanned devices will appear in the Device Catalog Screen.

When you first add the devices, basic information for the device will appear in the Device Catalog with the Device Status column displaying "Waiting for Validation". (For a Virtual Chassis, status is displayed in the VC Device Status column.) When the validation process successfully completes, the Device Status will display "Waiting for First Contact". (It can take a few minutes for all devices to be validated.)

Note: Devices added using the scanning app are added with the Desired Software Version field set to "Do Not Upgrade". You can edit the field at any time.

Licensing Devices

The Device Catalog Screen is also used to access the License Wizard, which is used to assign/release licenses to/from devices. If you have a Trial or Paid Account, you must license your devices to fully manage them. As part of your Trial or Paid Account, you have a specific number of device licenses. Licenses can be assigned/released to/from a device at any time. For example, you may want to remove a license from one device (making it a limited management device) and assign that license to another device (making it a full management device).

Note: If you have enabled automatic licensing, an available license will be automatically be assigned to a device after it is added. The Automatic Licensing Option is presented when you upgrade to a Trial or Paid Account. It can also be enabled at any time in the Device Catalog License Wizard.

1. Click on the Manage Device Licenses button to bring up the first screen of the License Wizard (shown below).

Unlicensed devices appear on the left side of the screen. License devices appear on the right side of the screen. The Device License type is displayed underneath the device description. There are different License Types (e.g., E - Essential Switch, A - Advanced Switch) for different devices types (e.g., OS6350, OS6865). The number of licenses used for each type is shown at the top of the screen (e.g., E 1/10, A 3/10).

2. To license a device, click on the Add icon to move the device from the left side of the screen to the right side. Select the device(s) you want to license and click Next.

3. The Settings Screen (above) displays the current Automatic Licensing setting and can be used to enable/disable the feature. Click Next.


4. Review the license configuration, then click Apply, then click OK on Assign & Release License - Confirmation prompt. Once devices are licensed, you can manage them in OmniVista Cirrus.

Note: To remove a license from a device, click on the Remove icon to move the device from the right side to the left side of the screen.

You can also assign/release licenses to/from a device by selecting the device(s) in the Device Catalog and clicking on the Assign License or Release License button at the top of the Device Catalog. The License Wizard will open with the selected devices displayed in the applicable column. Click OK to complete the action (Assign/Release), then click OK on the Assign & Release License - Confirmation Screen Page.

For example, if you wanted to release license(s) from a group of devices, you would select the devices in the Device Catalog and click on the Release License button. The License Wizard would open with the selected licensed devices displayed in the Release License column. Click OK to release the licenses, then click OK on Assign & Release License - Confirmation prompt.

Note: Any time you add/remove licenses for device that are already connected to the network, you must restart the activation process on the affected devices (both the devices you add the license to and the devices you removed the license from).

License Types

There are different licenses for different device types.A full list of supported devices/releases can be found here. When you select a switch in the License Wizard, the applicable license is applied to the device.

Creating Topology Geo Map Sites

The Topology application provides an Geo Map view to display devices in a Geo Map. When a device is added to OmniVista Cirrus, you have the option of adding a Geo Map location for the device (either street address or Latitude/Longitude). The device will then be displayed in a Geo Map view in the specified physical location. You can also create Map Sites (e.g., Data Center, Campus Building), place them in a specific Geo Location and add devices to those sites. Click on the Create Site button to create a Topology Geo Location Map site for devices. When you click on the button the Create Site Window appears.

Complete the fields below and click on the Create button to create a new Site.

Note: See the Topology Help for more information.

Automatic Call Home Feature

LAN Devices running AOS 6.7.2.R04 (and later) or AOS 8.5R2 (and later), and AP running AWOS 3.0.4 MR1 support the Automatic Call Home Feature. These devices automatically contact the OmniVista Cirrus Server at regular intervals. For these devices, there is no need to manually start or restart the activation process. The devices will automatically contact the OmniVista Server at the configured Call Home interval. The exception to this is for new, "out of the box" devices running AOS 8.6R1 or lower on which the Automatic Call Home Feature is disabled by default. In this case, you must manually enable the Automatic Call Home feature on the device as follows:

Starting the Activation Process on Devices

A device must connect to the OmniVista Cirrus Server to complete the activation process. If it is an unconfigured device (a new device, or an old device that has been reset to the factory default configuration), or a device that supports the Automatic Call Home Feature, just connect the device to your network. Otherwise, connect the device to your network (if necessary) and restart the activation process on the device.

Connecting Devices to Your Network

Connect the device to your network and power it on. The device will automatically contact the OmniVista Cirrus Server and complete the activation process, if the Network and Device Prerequisites are met.

Restarting the Activation Process

If the device supports the Automatic Call Home Feature, the device will automatically retry the activation process. Otherwise, restart the activation process on the LAN device or AP as described below. The options for restarting the activation process on a device depend on whether you are adding the device for limited management (unlicensed device) or full management (licensed device).

Restarting The Activation Process (Limited Management)

If you are adding unlicensed devices for limited management, restart the activation process as described below.

When the activation process completes, the Device Status column will display "Registered". If you have trouble activating devices, click here for common problems and troubleshooting tips.

Restarting The Activation Process (Full Management)

If you are adding licensed devices for full management, restart the activation process as described below.

When the activation process completes, the Device Status column will display "OV Managed". If you have trouble activating devices, click here for common problems and troubleshooting tips.

Editing a Device

You can edit the basic information for single device. Note that if a device fails validation due to an incorrect serial number or MAC address (APs only), you can also edit those fields. Also note that you cannot edit multiple devices. However, you can edit the software version for multiple devices by selecting the devices and clicking on the Set Software Version button.

To edit a single device, complete the fields as described below and click on the Update button.

Deleting a Device

To delete a device from the Device Catalog, select the device(s), click on the Delete icon, then click OK at the confirmation prompt. The device will be removed from the Device Catalog. If the device(s) was managed, it will also be removed from the Managed Devices Table and the license(s) will be released.

Searching for a Device

You can search for a device by entering search criteria in the Search fields at the top of the Inventory List. Enter any search criteria based on the contents found in the table and the list will change to display only those devices containing the search criteria.

Perform Device Operations

You perform the following operations on devices by selecting a device(s) and clicking on the applicable button at the top of the Device Catalog - Set Software Version, Assign/Release License, Troubleshoot Device, View Activation Log.

Set Software Version

When you click on the Set Software Version button, the Schedule Software Upgrade Wizard appears. You can set an upgrade to occur on the selected device(s) on next "call home", or schedule an upgrade for a future time (including regular recurring upgrades). After completing each section of the wizard, click Next to go to the next screen. Click Finish to set the upgrade.

Set Software Version

Note: If you are setting a software version for a Virtual Chassis (VC), select the Master Chassis of the VC or select the Master and Slave Chassis of the VC. Selecting the Slave Chassis without selecting the Master Chassis can lead to unexpected software versions in the VC.

Set Schedule


Review the devices and schedule that you have configured.

Assign/Release License

Select an unlicensed device(s), click on the Assign License button, then click OK at the confirmation prompt to assign a license to the device(s). Select a licensed device(s), click on the Release License button, then click OK at the confirmation prompt to release a license from a device(s).

Troubleshoot Device

Select a device and click on the Troubleshoot Device button to bring up the Device Troubleshooting Screen. The Device Troubleshooting Screen is used to send commands to network devices to troubleshoot and resolve device problems. You can only select one device at a time.

View Activation Log

Select a device and click on the View Activation Log button to bring up the Activation log for the device. You can only select one device at a time.

Device Catalog Information

The Device Catalog List displays information for all devices known to OmniVista Cirrus. You can click on a device's Serial Number to display the device in the Topology application; or click anywhere on the row corresponding to a device to display detailed information for the device in a condensed format.

Note that if any devices in the Managed Devices List have unsaved configuration changes in their Working Directory, a number will appear in the Notification Icon (Bell Icon) at the top of the screen. Click on the Notification Icon. The number of devices in this condition is displayed. Click on the Save Icon button to save changes to the Working Directories of the devices.


If you encounter problems adding/licensing devices, the Device Status column in the Device Catalog can be used to troubleshoot the problem. (For a Virtual Chassis, status is displayed in the VC Device Status column.)



Unsupported Device Model

  • The device is not supported in OmniVista Cirrus.

Device Validation Failed

  • You may have entered an incorrect serial number or MAC address. Check the Serial Number or MAC address (AP). Edit the information, if applicable, and restart the activation process on the device.
  • The device serial number is not recognized by the OmniVista Cirrus Database. However, this does not prevent the switch/AP from becoming Registered/Managed. If the switch/AP goes through the Activation process, it will be automatically validated. Restart the activation process on the device. The device should move to “Registered” state (if it was not licensed) or to "OV Managed" state (if it was licensed).
  • The device may be configured with the wrong Network Identifier. Go to Administrator - System Settings - Network ID and specify the correct Network ID setting; or update the Network ID in your DHCP server. Restart the activation process on the device.
  • Device is sending incorrect Serial Number information in the certificate, probably after modifying the VC/Stack units or breaking a VC/Stack. Apply "cloud-agent remove-inconsistent-certificate" command and restart the onboarding process using the "cloud-agent admin-state restart" command.
  • AP Country Code conflict. Wireless regulations vary by country, so APs are configured and shipped based on the country's regulations. The Country Code configured for the AP Group used to manage these APs must match the country code for the APs it is managing. If they do not match, the APs will remain in the Unmanageable Access Point List until the problem is resolved. Check and update the APs Country Code, if necessary.
  • AP is in "Untrusted" mode. APs must be licensed and in a "trusted" state to be managed by OmniVista. To place an "untrusted" AP into a "trusted" state, select the AP(s) in the Unmanaged AP List and click on the "Change to Trust Status" icon (circle with checkmark) at the top of the screen and click OK at the Confirmation prompt. The AP will be moved to the Managed AP List.

Waiting for First Contact


VPN Config Failed

  • Device was unable to configure a secure transport channel for connecting to the OmniVista Cirrus Server. Wait for 30 minutes. The network device will automatically contact the OmniVista Cirrus Server again to check the configuration. If resolved, the activation process will continue. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support.

Provisioning Failed

  • Device was unable to process the provisioning configuration sent by the Provisioning application, or OmniVista Cirrus was unable to discover the device. See the "Last Provision Message" column on the Provisioning Results Screen (Network - Provisioning - Results) for more information about why provisioning failed on the device. Ensure the provisioning configuration is set up properly in OmniVista Cirrus. For LAN Devices, go to the Provisioning application (Network - Provisioning); for APs, go to the AP Registration application (Network - AP Registration). Wait for 30 minutes for the network device to retry and contact the OmniVista Cirrus Server. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support.
  • Unable to login to switch with the credentials specified in the Management Template.
    • Check the Management Template to see if "Use existing credentials" is checked and that the credentials provided are correct.
  • Failed to open an SSH session to the device.
    • Try to restart the device to make sure the maximum number of SSH sessions has not been exceeded. There may have been a connection timeout. Check the network connection and try again.
  • An error occurred when copying the Configuration File to the device.
    • Check the network connection and try again.
  • An exception occurred when applying the configuration to device.
    • Check the network connection.
    • Check the configuration template.
    • See the "Last Provision Message" column on the Provisioning Results Screen (Network - Provisioning - Results) for more information if there is an ERROR command.
  • Connection is closed by a foreign host.
    • Check the connection to device and try again.
  • Failed to open a connection to a device.
    • Make sure t username or password are correct. Check your user configuration on Other Access Methods.
  • AP Country Code conflict.
    • Wireless regulations vary by country, so APs are configured and shipped based on the country's regulations. The Country Code configured for the AP Group used to manage these APs must match the country code for the APs it is managing. If they do not match, the APs will remain in the Unmanageable Access Point List until the problem is resolved. Check and update the APs Country Code, if necessary.
  • Untrusted AP
    • APs must be licensed and in a "trusted" state to be managed by OmniVista. To place an "untrusted" AP into a "trusted" state, select the AP(s) in the Unmanaged AP List and click on the "Change to Trust Status" icon (circle with checkmark) at the top of the screen and click OK at the Confirmation prompt. The AP will be moved to the Managed AP List.
  • AP License Conflict.
    • If there are no licenses available for a registered AP, you must free up licenses by deleting an AP or purchase additional license before you can manage the AP. Once this is resolved, you can move the AP to the "trusted" state and manage the AP with OmniVista.
  • AP Registration Information is Incorrect (e.g., P Address, SysOid).
    • Verify and update the information, if necessary.

Failed VC Mixed Accounts

  • The VC devices reported by the VC Master Chassis belong to multiple OmniVista Cirrus Accounts. If you or your organization own these OV Cirrus Accounts, consolidate the VC devices under a single account and wait for 30 minutes or restart the activation process on the VC (convert to link). If the problem persists, contact Customer Support. Applicable only to OmniSwitch Virtual Chassis (VC).

Certificate Previously Issued

  • A certificate was previously provided to this network device but it has contacted OmniVista Cirrus without it. Remove device and add again to Device Catalog (fix wording); then, wait for 30 minutes or restart the activation process on the device (convert to link). If the problem persists, contact Customer Support.

Failed to Get Certificate

  • Device has contacted the OmniVista Cirrus Server and the server attempted to create a certificate to achieve a more secure communication but the attempt has failed. Wait for 30 minutes. The network device will automatically contact the OmniVista Cirrus Server again. If resolved, the activation process will continue. If the problem persists, contact Customer Support.

Upgrade Failed

  • Device software version upgrade has failed. OmniVista Cirrus will attempt to fix this internally; however, if the problem requires action outside of OmniVista Cirrus, the default admin of the OmniVista Cirrus Account will be contacted. If the problem persists for more than 24 hours, contact Customer Support.

Factory Reset Required

Remote Access Points

You can configure an offsite, remote AP as a Remote Access Point (RAP) that can be managed by a local OmniVista Enterprise installation through a VPN Tunnel. You must first install a VPN VM (see the Remote Access Point and VPN VA Installation Guide for installation instructions). You then add AP(s) using a “Freemium" version of OmniVista Cirrus, the cloud-based version of OmniVista. When the AP(s) is connected to the network, it automatically contacts the OmniVista Cirrus Activation Server, which downloads the necessary IP and VPN configurations so the AP can be added to your List of Managed Devices and managed by your local OmniVista Enterprise installation.

The sections below detail creating an OmniVista Freemium Account and adding Remote Access Points.

Creating a Freemium Account

Remote Access Points are added to the Device Catalog using an OmniVista Cirrus Account. Follow the steps below to create a Freemium Account, then add the Remote Access Points to the Freemium Account Device Catalog.

1. Go to the OV Registration Portal.

2. Click on the Create a New Account button. The Create New Account Screen will appear.

3. Complete the fields. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. At the bottom of each screen, click Continue to move to the next screen. Note that the username you enter will be used to log into OmniVista Cirrus once your account is created. Also note that the e-mail address you enter will be used to verify your account and complete the process. When you have completed and reviewed all of the fields, accept the terms and conditions and click on the Create Account button. A Confirmation Screen will appear.

4. Go to the e-mail account you entered in Step 3 above. You will receive an e-mail from ALE USA Inc ( containing instructions and a verification link. Click on the Go to Verify Account link. The Set Password Screen will appear.

Important Note: There is a link in the body of the email to download the required device OS software for OmniVista Cirrus. Devices must be running a minimum software version to connect to OmniVista Cirrus. Click on the link to download the software. If necessary, you can use this software to upgrade your devices. See Device Prerequisites for more information.

5. Create and confirm your password, then click on the Save button. The Confirmation Screen below will appear.

6. Click on the Continue to Login Page link and log into OmniVista Cirrus using the username and password you created. After successful login, the OmniVista Cirrus Freemium Dashboard will appear.

Note: You will continue to log into using the username and password you created to access your OmniVista Cirrus Freemium Account.

Adding Remote Access Points

After creating a Freemium Account, follow the steps below to add Remote Access Points.

1. Select Network - Inventory - Device Catalog to bring up the Device Catalog application.

2. Click on the Add icon (+) in the upper-right corner of the screen to bring up the Add a Device Screen..

3. Enter the AP Serial Number, then enable the Is this a Remote AP Field to open the Remote AP configuration fields. .

4. Complete the fields as described below, then click on the Save VPN Settings and Create Device button to add the AP to the Device Catalog.