Access Auth Profile

The Unified Profile Access Auth Profile Screen displays all configured Access Auth Profiles and is used to create, edit, and delete Access Authentication Profiles. An Access Auth Profile enables you to assign a pre-defined UNP port configuration to a port or linkagg, or specify them individually on each port to enable UNP port status and set the parameters for the authentication process for the port. For IAP devices, an Access Auth Profile can be assigned to a WLAN identified by the SSID Profile. For wireless controller devices, an Access Auth Profile can be assigned to Virtual AP Profile, which is used to configure WLAN. The Access Auth Profile configures 802.1X and MAC authentication for both wired and wireless devices, Access Classification and the default AAA Server and/or UNP Profile to be used once a user is authenticated. The basic configuration for each configured Access Auth Profile is displayed. You can also click on a profile for a configuration view.

Creating an Access Auth Profile

Click on the Add icon. Enter a Profile Name and configure the profile as described below, then click on the Create button. When you are finished, select the checkbox next to the profile and click on the Apply to Devices button to assign the profile to switches/ports or wireless devices/virtual APs on the network.

Default Settings

This section is used to configure basic settings for the profile.

No Auth/Failure/Alternate

This section is used to configure the actions taken if a device assigned to the profile fails authentication.

Advanced Settings

This section is used to configure advanced 802.1X authentication settings for the profile.

Wireless Settings

This section is used to configure a Virtual AP Profile (i.e., "wireless device" profile) and associate it with the Access Auth Profile.

Assigning an Access Auth Profile

When you click the Apply to Devices button, the Access Auth Profile Assignments Screen appears. Follow the steps below to assign the profile to a Switch and/or an AP Group.

Assigning an Access Auth Profile to a Switch

An Access Auth Profile can be assigned to AOS Devices and/or Stellar APs.

Assigning an Access Auth Profile to AOS Devices

Click on the Devices ADD/EDIT buttons and select devices. The device(s) will appear in the List of Selected Devices. Click on the "Add Port" link under a device and select ports. Click on the "Port Type" link to select the port type (VLAN Port, SPB Access Port, VXLAN Access Port). (Default = VLAN Port).

If you are finished, click on the Apply button. The configuration will be applied and the assignment status displayed. Click OK to return to the Access Auth Profile Screen.

UNP VLANs for Silent Devices

When assigning an Access Authentication Profile, you can map a UNP VLAN to a UNP Port. This configures a Tagged or Untagged VLAN Port Association between the specified UNP Bridge Port and the VLAN This feature is useful when connecting "Silent" devices (e.g., printers) to Bridge Ports. The feature is supported on 6.x Switches (running AOS 6.7.1.R02 and higher) and 8.x Switches (running AOS 8.6R1 and higher).

Click on the Devices ADD/EDIT buttons and select devices. The device(s) will appear in the List of Selected Devices. Click on the "Add Port" link under a device and select ports. Click on the "Port Type" link to select the port type (VLAN Port, SPB Access Port, VXLAN Access Port).

Click on the "Add UNP VLANs" link under the device to bring up the UNP VLANs window.

If you are finished, click on the Apply button. The configuration will be applied and the assignment status displayed. Click OK to return to the Access Auth Profile Screen.

Assigning an Access Auth Profile to Stellar APs

You can assign an Access Auth Profile to Stellar APs with downlink ports (e.g., AP1201H). Click on the AP Groups ADD/EDIT buttons and select an AP Group(s). The AP Group(s) will appear in the List of Selected Groups. Three ports (Eth1, Eth2, Eth3) are displayed under the AP Group Name. Select a port(s). OmniVista will apply the profile to the selected ports on supported APs/ports in the AP Group. OmniVista will ignore unsupported APs/ports in the AP Group.

If you are finished, click on the Apply button. The configuration will be applied and the assignment status displayed. Click OK to return to the Access Auth Profile Screen.

Common Errors Seen when Assigning an Access Auth Profile

The following common errors may be seen in the Results page when attempting to assigning an Access Auth Profile to an AOS Switch. Possible causes are provided for each.

Error Message

Possible Cause(s)

"Failed to apply Access Auth Profile to port x/x/x"

  • A member of Link-Agg, Port x/x/x is a Tagged Port.

"Port-Template applied to UNP Bridge Ports, cannot set L2 Profile on Bridge Ports"

  • L2 Profile cannot be set when template is applied to UNP Bridge Ports.
  • UNP cannot be enabled on Tagged Port x/x/x.
  • UNP cannot be enabled on Service Access Port x/x/x.
  • VLAN ID xx does not exist. VLAN specified in "UNP VLANs" must exist on the switch.
  • VLAN ID xx is not a Standard VLAN. VLAN ID specified in "UNP VLANs" should be a Standard VLAN.

Editing an Access Auth Profile

Select the profile in the Access Auth Profile Screen and click on the Edit icon to bring up the Edit Access Auth Profile Screen. Edit the fields as described above then click on the Apply button to save the changes to the server. (Note that you cannot edit the Access Auth Profile Name.) If the Access Auth Profile has been applied to any devices, you will have to re-apply the profile to those devices. You can also go to the Device Config - Access Auth Profile Screen to edit a profile on any device.

To "unassign" an Access Auth Profile from a device, go the Device Config - Access Auth Profile Screen and delete the profile from the device. To "unassign" a profile from specific device ports, go the Device Config - Access Auth Profile Screen and delete the profile from the device. Then return to the Access Auth Profile Screen, select the profile and re-assign it to the device, selecting only those ports to which you want to assign the profile.

For example, if you had assigned Access Auth Profile 1 to ports 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 on a device and you want to remove it from ports 1/3 and 1/4. You would go to the Device Config - Access Auth Profile Screen and delete Access Auth Profile 1 from the device. Then return to the Access Auth Profile Screen, select Access Auth Profile 1 and re-assign it to the device, selecting only ports 1/1 and 1/2 on the Device Selection Screen.

Deleting an Access Auth Profile

Select the profile in the Access Auth Profile Screen and click on the Delete icon, then click OK at the confirmation prompt. This removes the profile from the server. If the profile has been assigned to any devices, go to the Device Config - Access Auth Profile Screen to remove the profile from the device(s). Select the applicable device(s) in the Devices - Access Auth Profile Table, click on the Delete icon, then click OK at the confirmation prompt.