Device Config - Global Configuration - Setting
The Unified Profile Global Configuration Setting Screen displays information about all devices to which a Global Configuration has been assigned. You can edit a profile on a device. To display device information, click on the Devices or AP Groups ADD button and select devices. To add/remove devices/AP Groups from the display, click on the applicable EDIT button.
Editing a Global Configuration
Select a device/AP Group on the Setting Screen and click on the Edit icon. Edit the fields as described below then click on the Apply button.
- Redirect Pause Timer - Configures the global pause timer value, in seconds, for the switch. Use this command to configure the amount of time
the switch filters traffic from a non-supplicant (non-802.1X device) on a UNP port. This is done to allow
enough time for the switch to clear the authentication state of the non-supplicant, at which time the device
is re-authenticated. The pause timer is triggered when a COA request is received that requires a
VLAN change for a non-supplicant (non-802.1X device) and the port bounce action is not triggered for
the device. (Range = 60 – 65535, Default = 0)
- Auth Server Down Timeout - The authentication server down timer value, in seconds. When the timer runs out for a particular device, the switch clears the device from the Auth Server Down Access Role Profile and triggers another authentication attempt for that device. If authentication fails
again, the device is classified back into the Auth Server Down Access Role Profile. The switch will repeat
this process until the device authentication is completed. (Range = 10 to 1000, Default = 60)
- Redirect Port Bounce - Enables/Disables
Port Bounce. This feature is required to handle scenarios where a client is switched from one VLAN to other after a Change of Authorization (COA) request. If port bounce is enabled, the port will be administratively put down. This is to trigger DHCP renewal and re-authentication, if necessary. (Default = Enabled, always "Enabled" on wireless devices)
- UNP Dynamic VLAN Configuration - Enables/Disables UNP Dynamic VLAN configuration when assigning Access Role Profiles to 8.x Devices running AOS 8.6R1 and higher.
- Auto-Create Dynamic VLANs on Switch Reload - Enables/Disables Dynamic UNP VLAN configuration when assigning Access Role Profiles to 6.x Devices running AOS 6.7R08 and higher.
- Auth Server Down Access Role Profile - The configuration can include an Authentication Server Down Access Role Profile. This is the profile to which a device is classified if MAC or 802.1X authentication fails because the
RADIUS-capable server is unreachable. If necessary, you can also click the Add icon to go to the Access Role Profile Screen to create a new profile to include in the Global Configuration.
- Redirect Proxy Server Port - The HTTP proxy port number to use for redirection to UPAM or the CPPM Server.
- Redirect Server IP - The IP address used for redirection of HTTP traffic to UPAM or the CPPM Server. Specify the address that is associated with the dynamic URL returned from UPAM or the CPPM Server.
Note: You cannot edit a Global Configuration Name.