Device Config - Diagnostic
he Unified Profile Device Config Diagnostics Screen displays Unified Profile information for an end station connected to UNP Ports which can be used to diagnose UNP Profile problems. You can view information for a device by IP Address or MAC Address by selecting the applicable Search by criteria, entering the address and clicking on the Locate button.
Important Note: Any configuration updates applied in the Device Config application are only applied to the selected devices/AP Groups. The updates will not affect the corresponding SSIDs, Unified Access Profiles/Templates.
Diagnostic List
- Device Address - The IP address of the device.
- Port - The slot/port on which the device was learned.
- MAC Address - The MAC address of the device.
- Access Timestamp - The login timestamp of the device.
- User Name - The name used to authenticate the device.
- IP Address - The IP address from which the device is sending packets.
- VLAN - The device VLAN.
- Classification Source - The
Classification policy under which the device was learned.
- Authentication Type - The authentication type used to authenticate the device (e.g., MAC).
- Authentication Status - The status of authentication:
- Idle
- In Progress
- Authenticated
- Failed
- Failed Timeout
- Failed No Server
- Failed No Resources
- IP Address Type - The user IP address type. Currently, only IPv4 is supported.
- Auth Server IP Used- The IP address of the Authentication Server used to authenticate the device.
- Auth Server IP Type - The Authentication Server IP address type. Currently, only IPv4 is supported.
- UNP Used - The UNP used to classify the device.
- User Role - The UNP used to classify the device role.
- User Role Source - The UNP user role source.
- Auth Fail Reason - The authentication failure reason.
- Auth Fail Retry Count - The authentication failure retry count (number of times re-authentication is attempted after an authentication failure).
- Classif Profile Rule - The Classification Policy from which the device was learned.
- Rest Access Status - The MAC VLAN user Authentication Server status.
- Role Rule - The Classification Policy Rule used to classify the device.
- Loc Policy Status - The Location Policy status (Not Applicable/Pass/Fail).
- Time Policy Status - The Time Policy status (Not Applicable/Pass/Fail).
- Cap Portal Status - The Captive Portal status (Not Applicable/Pass/Fail).
- Auth Server Used - The name of the Authentication Server name
used for the latest authentication session of the device.
- Server Message - The RADIUS server message displayed to the user.
- Redirection URL - The Redirect Server URL.
- UNP From Auth Server - The UNP returned by the Authentication Server for the device.
- QMR Status - The QMR status (Enabled/Disabled).
- MC LAG Learning - The Multi-Chassis Link Aggregate status (Enabled/Disabled).
- SIP Call Type - The SIP Call Type for the device (Normal Call/Emergency Call/Not In Call).
- SIP Media Type - The SIP Media Type for the device (Other/Audio/Video/None).